Live Your Best ENRiched Life!

Transform your emotions, thoughts, and words into inspiration, productivity, and purpose.

What my clients are saying…

  • “I’m a natural skeptic. I never understood the point of a life coach until I meet Karen. Karen had mentioned to me before about taking her class but I like I said I was very skeptic about it. However, after a few days went by and I decided to take Karen up on her offer. I felt so desperate I was willing to try anything. My first session with Karen I was brutally honest with her and told her how I thought this wasn’t going to work and that I don’t believe in life coaches. 8 weeks later and I have finished my sessions with Karen. I now understand myself which is so insane to me because one not only did I think this was a bunch of bs before but two I clearly never knew who I was before and what I wanted out of myself and life. I now am a huge advocate for Karen and tell everyone and anyone I know that they need Karen Rich in their life. Karen has provided me with lifelong tactics. She has perfected her steps to form interpersonal connections with her clients, making them feel like her friend and constantly have them in mind. I can never thank Karen enough for her guidance and still to this day she will go out of her way to help me with anything I need.”


  • “I was fortunate enough to take part in one of Karen Rich's Professional Development workshops. I have been to therapy for years and have struggled with identifying what my needs are. I learned more from her in 2 hours than I have from all my years of therapy combined. I will be taking her complete course. I feel like there slight at the end of my tunnel thanks to her!”


  • “Project Enrich does just that...enriches. The program awoke my soul and spirit. I walked away from this course with newfound confidence and clarity of my true essence. Karen seamlessly provides a perfect balance of self-discovery and real-life applications. She is passionate about helping others and her high vibrations are contagious. I am a better person after taking Project Enrich.“


  • “At the risk of sounding like a cliché, Karen’s program was life changing and one of the best things I have ever done for myself. Karen’s coaching provided me with new and simple tools for separating the truths from the noise in my world that were constantly distracting me and limiting my happiness. Along with these newfound tools and understand I came away with a renewed confidence in myself that immediately brought me more joy in my personal, professional, and family relationships.”

    -Anthony R.

  • “I had the pleasure of meeting Karen Rich in a most serendipitous way. I believe things come to you not just when you need them, but when you’re ready for them.

    I’ve had personal and executive coaching throughout my life, but working with Karen was easier than most experiences. Mainly because she is so insightful, empathetic, and her positive perspective is infectious.

    Her program was easy to follow. She provided easy to understand analogies that spark your memory and her workbook is easy to follow, yet it has so much depth, it unveils your roadblocks.

    Karen’s a joy to work with and she was very flexible with my schedule working both in person and virtually. I gained so much from “Enrich your Life”, it got me “unstuck”, set me on my course and began my new journey. Thank you Karen for what you do, and who you are.”


  • “The Enrich your Life course is motivational, transformational, impactful, and fun.Whether you need a quick ‘pick me up’, guidance through life’s transitions, or a significant life overhaul, the Enrich your Life course helps you get there in a joyful, positive way.

    Karen Rich is truly an agent of positive change and full of vibrant energy. Intuitive and thoughtful, she deeply cares about empowering individuals and communities to thrive and to enjoy the process. She is just what you need if you’re looking for momentum and inspiration for any aspect of your life – family, relationships, transitions, personal, career.

    A few months after completing the course, when encountering a new life experience, I found myself thinking ‘how would Karen approach this?’. Her booster session offered immediate impact, as I already understood her tenets and could apply the methods quickly.

    I’m so grateful that Enrich Your Life is a now a way of life for me and recommend it to any individual or organization looking to enhance and enrich their life and mission.“


  • “As a college professor, so many of the things I learned from Karen seemed to provided clarity on topics that I know many of my students struggle with. Life can be confusing and scary for young people who are “launching” and Karen’s guidance in identifying and aligning life goals with core values would be such an asset to a young person desiring to live their best life right as they begin “adulting”.“

    -Rich V.

  • “Enrich Your Life gives you the tools to release the fear, reframe your choices, and own your journey. It’s empowering and liberating. In simple terms, Enrich You Life gives you the tools to enjoy the process of becoming the best version of yourself.”

    -Judi Vigna, Innovator and Thought Leader, Specialized Career Guidance LLC

  • “This class is truly transformational! I honestly did not think I would get that much out of it as I felt like I knew myself pretty well and overall my life is great but I am always looking for ways to grow so I thought I would give it a try. I have been working on my weight issue for pretty much my entire life and thanks to Karen, now realize where my "block "was. I also really loved learning my core values as they help me make appropriate decisions every day. I am thankful I decided to give it a try!”


  • “Karen as you have walked me through the steps of the “Enrich Your Life” program I have discovered the best version of myself, and you have guided me to a point of clarity in my life where I feel like I can take on any challenges life throws my way. I think you should continue introducing this course to others and help guide their way through the steps because I believe that everyone can benefit from this program in their own way! Thank you so much!”

    -Bradley D. (age 17)

  • “When I decided to take Karen’s course, I had no idea how life changing her guidance would be for me. There were so many gifts that Karen gave me(figuratively and literally), but the most pivotal gift was to learn to focus on being my “best self.” This was something, even after years, that I had never realized. Because of this newly found discovery, I am able to care for myself first before taking care of others. This alone has been empowering and her coaching in general has helped me to better process my emotions and to connect with my inner self more effectively. She is a gift that has given me an even greater gift! Thank you Karen!”

    -Elizabeth R.

  • “Karen’s class was motivational and thought provoking! Her assignments and focus broke down personal barriers and allowed me to examine what is important in my life. Her encouragement, energy, and humor are nothing short of inspirational. Karen has an amazing ability to empathetically translate an attendees feelings into words and action resulting in a greater personal awareness and commitment to self. Her class was presented in such a way as to allow a safe space for discovery and sharing.”


Do any of these sound like you?


    Work on building the most important project of your life: YOURSELF. Looking to increase confidence, resilience, coping, and decision-making skills? Explore the courses ENRich Your Life has to offer.


    ENRich your capabilities to grow, shape, and support yourself and your students. Learn how to implement tangible tools to become the best version of yourself. Explore the workshops and webinars available in ENRich Your Life.


    Build awareness, understanding, and patience with yourself as you identify and align your life goals with your core values. Explore ways you can work with Karen to ENRich Your Life.


    ENRich your team with a custom-designed workshop on building confidence, leadership, accountability, and teamwork. Explore ways you collaborate with Karen to design a powerful experience to expand growth and development of your employees as well as your company.

Hi, I’m Karen,

Are you looking for solutions, clarity, and emotional well-being?

My goal is to empower individuals to transform emotions, thoughts, and words into inspiration, productivity, and purpose. This ultimately leads to clarity, emotional well-being, and the best version of yourself.

marble in the sunrise sand

(781) 626-1745
